Saturday, January 10, 2009

My name is Pamela K. Litka. I am 28, a twin, and a native Nevadan. I have been married for 7 years and together for 11 years. I have the most beautiful and stubborn son who is 6 going on 18 and had a beautiful baby girl who was born Feb 4th 2008. I live in my home town in a small home and we are now upgrading and adding 800+ square feet. I love the idea that I soon get to design and decorate our new home or I should say our current home once it is complete. I love my friends and family...I'm super blessed. I’m obsessed with coffee & shoes. I couldn't live without them. I love the idea of living healthy but hate how I have to get there. I love people, especially people watching. I could sit on a bench in the park, mall, couch, or where ever and watch the interesting people walk past me all day. I love vulnerable and honest conversations. I love it when people say what's on their mind and ask real questions. Why are there not more people like that? Why must people lie or not say what they really mean? I love nature, especially the forests and the ocean and of course any sunsets. I love small towns; that is why I still live in my home town. I love to drive. I love to drive with my music turned up real loud and just drive. I love to sight see and look at beautiful homes. I love romance. Why don’t men understand romance, not just the sex? I love the smell of rain. I love the smell of a good meal. I love passionate kisses. I love music. I’m constantly listening to it, buying it… love it. So many lyrics say what I have been thinking for so long. I love time spent with my girlfriends. Just the girls being girls. I love HGTV. I have watched a lot during my maternity leave earlier in the year and since the beginning of our addition and remodel. I love a good stiff drink or a nice dark beer. I love emotions, real emotions where laughter and pain both bring you to tears. I love finding joy in life and the little things. I love that God has blessed me with an amazing husband that not only loves me for all my sizes I’ve been, but that he gave him hands that take care of his family. Both his personality and his face are gorgeous. I love that he has blessed me with my first born, a son who not only keeps me anxious all day, but is a strong young little man who will be so intriguing as he grows. I love that God has given me the gift of a beautiful baby girl who one day will call me momma with pigtails in her hair and a giggle to bring tears to my eyes. I love love that God blessed me with an amazing family, the perfect family. I enjoy everything from photography, shopping, scrap booking, and being with my family and friends. I am incredibly active an always on the go. I always have something to do. Don't interrupt me, I'm enjoying myself!

A little bit about me

I love shoes!

This is all new to me...

So, I saw my mom's blog and thought I would give it a shot, see what happens. Here goes nothing...